Terms & Conditions
- Pre-booking and payment is required for the events due to the limited number of places available.
- Payment is to be in the Natural Nosh bank account at least 4 days prior to event date.
- You agree that you will be on time to events and if you can’t, please let Sally know immediately you realise you will be late. Text message is acceptable: Ph: 0211 709 443
- Notification of cancellation or non-attendance is required for the 3 course Luncheon at least 4 days prior to the event otherwise payment will be forfeited. For the Potluck lunch 1 day prior is requested.
- Late bookings are subject to availability of spaces.
- We do not give refunds, however you can choose another date or transfer your place to a friend or family member. Only one change is allowed.
- If these requirements aren’t able to be met, refunds will be at the discretion of Natural Nosh.
- Late registration will be allowed according to spaces available for each class
- Your information and personal data will be protected against unauthorised access.
- Please make sure you know the exact location of the class before the date so that you arrive on time.
- Classes will begin on time – if you can’t make the start time please let Sally know as soon as possible. Ph: 0211709443.
- At times when a scheduled class has to be cancelled you will be notified by the Thursday 5pm prior to the date or 2 days if on a weekday.
- These Terms & Conditions are subject to change.
I love to inspire people to improve their eating habits so that they can live a long life, free from illness and pain.
If you need help call me on 0211 709 443. Business Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm.